Project purpose
Pharma.Aero concluded a Cell & Gene Therapies project in 2023 to document the logistical challenges that are specific to advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP). The Precision Therapy Logistics project was launched in June 2024, aiming to map the logistics journey of various classes of precision therapies. The PTL project was designed to support both the industry and logistic stakeholders in making strategic decisions for their future business models. In addition, due to their novelty and relative lack of available research, radioligand therapies (RLT) were included within the scope of this project.
Project objective(s)
The PTL project was initially designed to include a research phase, complemented by test shipments, to demonstrate the practical implementation and identify obstacles in a real-world environment.
Based on the solid input received during the research phase (survey, interviews, and workshops), in October 2024, the project was refined and expanded, into a two-phase approach, with the lane validation and a scale-up of shipments to be developed as part of a wider, and larger initiative, as Phase II of the PTL project.
Phase I
1. Desk Research
Define ATMPs, RLTs and their classes according to regulatory standards
Map the logistics journey and requirements for the different classes if generally known/available
2. Interviews
List companies developing precision therapies via a survey and perform interviews
Understand precision therapies they produce and their logistics parameters
3. Gap Analysis
List all therapy categories and the identified companies along with logistics parameters
Determine which classes should be further included in the test shipments based on availability, relevance and feasibility
- PTL Online Workshop, 5 September 2024 – Workshop Report available here (for Pharma.Aero members only)
- PTL Workshop, Pharma Logistics Masterclass, Dallas Fort Worth, October 1st
4. Dissemination (Phase I Technical Report & White Paper)
Phase II – Lane Validation, Shipments (2025)
Ensure that a clear protocol is designed and that all parties are trained
Conduct test shipments and monitor performance
Project status and key-takeaways
Phase I – Completed
- Desk Research
- Interviews
- Gap Analysis
- Dissemination (Phase I Technical Report & White Paper)
Phase II – Lane Validation, Shipments (2025)
Ensure that a clear protocol is designed and that all parties are trained
Conduct test shipments and monitor performance
Project support and collaboration
Phase I
🔹Pharma.Aero Board liaison: Brussels Airport
🔹Project leads: Brussels Airport, Dallas Fort Worth Airport, Novartis
🔹Project manager and expert team: Nassim Benhamou, An D’hondt, Morgane Franck, Kevin Missault & Natalia Moretti Violato, PWC