CEIV 2.0 Phase 1: Evaluation

Project purpose

Following the first project (CEIV 1.0), Pharma.Aero initiated a follow-up project (CEIV 2.0) to evaluate how CEIV Pharma certified companies perceive the impact of being CEIV certified on their daily business and the value that the certification has brought. Furthermore, Pharma.Aero involved their strategic pharma shipper members in evaluating the current CEIV Pharma programme and its impact on their air supply chain requirements.

Project CEIV 2.0 started in September 2021 with the first Phase of the project: the evaluation (identifying the challenges, root causes and suggest potential solutions). Pharma.Aero members and project participants designed and prepared Phase 2 of the project: the implementation (advise on how to implement some of the suggested potential solutions.

This page will focus on Phase 1 of the CEIV 2.0 Project. 

Project objective(s)

The aim is to obtain the latest industry view on CEIV Pharma and be able to share the recommendations with IATA  to raise awareness of the program and engage shippers in the value of CEIV which should aid them in lane assessment, reduction in audit frequency and complexities.

Project status and key-takeaways

Structure of CEIV 2.0 – Phase 1 (preparation):

  • Work Package 1: Develop 2 questionnaires (pharma shippers/non-pharma shippers) and implement the survey
  • Work Package 2: Analyse the survey results and create a report
  • Work Package 3: Present and discuss report with IATA, organize and lead problem-solving sessions with IATA and Pharma.Aero members: identify problems, root causes and potential solutions, prioritize problems and define action plan for follow-up project
  • Work Package 4: create two final reports: 1 technical report for Pharma.Aero members and partners; and 1 white paper for the entire industry.

Project support and collaboration

  • Pharma.Aero Board liaison: Brussels Airport Company and Changi Airport Group
  • Project leads: Dnata
  • Project members: 38 members respondents to the survey (WP1), +40 Pharma.Aero members and partners involved in the problem-solving sessions organized in collaboration with IATA (WP3)
  • Project expert (Phase 1, WP1): Aynur Rasulova-Rzepa, Rzepa Consulting Limited (external consultant)

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