
The 2023 Pharma Logistics Masterclass in Singapore receives superlative feedback from participants

Singapore recently played host to the Pharma Logistics Masterclass 2023 (PLMC), and the feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive. Over 135 industry professionals and international academics from 24 countries participated in this year´s edition organized by Pharma.Aero and the University of Antwerp – Faculty of Business and Economics, in collaboration with the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

The PLMC established itself as a unique event that provides a platform for industry leaders, academics, and experts to exchange knowledge and insights in the dynamic field of pharmaceutical logistics.

Here are some of the heartening reactions and testimonials from attendees:

Wouter Van Gerwen, Lufthansa Cargo: “As some of the participants already started heading back to the airport for their flight home, I will take a few moments to reflect on the incredible Pharma Logistics Masterclass 2023 in Singapore which unfortunately has come to an end by now. What a unique experience the past week has been, too difficult to capture in one word or sentence. The intensiveness undoubtedly took its toll, however leaving with a mind and suitcase filled with new insights, exchanges and close relationships always boosts the energy levels! Many thanks to Frank Van GelderWouter DewulfRoel Gevaers Pharma.AeroSingapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Universiteit Antwerpen for the smooth organization!”

Koen Vandenbempt, University of Antwerp: “The Pharma Logistics Masterclass is organized this year in Singapore by University of Antwerp – Faculty of Business and Economics in collaboration with Pharma.Aero and hosted by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). I’m not only super proud to be part of this great collaborative initiative where we engage actively with the broad Pharma (Logistic) global ecosystem but also to work closely together with my colleague Pierre Van Damme (Universiteit Antwerpen – Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen) and Veerle Vermeiren (Pfizer).
The three of us offered complementary perspectives on the trends and challenges in the Pharma and Pharma Logistics companies (new vaccine development/technologies, production planning and vaccine production and business strategy for service providers).
Great network opportunity and knowledge sharing overall! Keep up the fantastic work Roel GevaersWouter Dewulf and Frank Van Gelder.”

The program of the 2024 Pharma Logistics Masterclass is available here.

Kristof De Decker, DSV: “The Pharma Logistics Masterclass has been an amazing experience. With DSV – Global Transport and Logistics being a gold sponsor, we took a deep dive in this event where academics met business and the main takeaway was collaboration.
Lots of great speakers and workshops, intense discussions and enlightening insights; where DSV took an active role hosting a visit and presenting our insights on some of the focus points in the industry.
Thanks, Pharma.Aero, the University of Antwerp & Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) for organizing this wonderful event.”

Dimitri Bettoni, Brussels Airport: “A big shout-out and warm thank you to everyone involved in the Pharma Logistics Masterclass which took place last week in Singapore! On behalf of Brussels Airport Company, it was an honour to unveil our most recent innovations and forward-thinking solutions. We also had the privilege of inviting several companies from BRUcargo to join us. Our goal was to blend our established expertise in pharmaceutical logistics with fresh insights, aiming to further enrich our leading hub for pharma and life sciences.”

Kristian Williams, Cold Chain Technologies: “The 3rd Pharma Logistics Masterclass was a huge success. A fantastic forum to learn, share and collaborate. A massive thank you to all of the individuals involved in the organisation and execution of a successful 3rd edition of the PLMC.
This was the best edition of the masterclass to date. The calibre of the attendees and speakers was exceptional.”

Register here for the 2024 Pharma Logistics Masterclass in Dallas – Fort Worth (29 September – 3 October 2024). 

Chonchol Gupta, University of Antwerp: “Last week I had the privilege of leading a masterclass at the esteemed Pharma Logistics Masterclass, in Singapore. It was an enriching experience to engage with professionals from some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, logistics firms, airlines, and airports, and the leading universities researching pharma logistics. The week-long event certainly lived up to its purpose of bridging the gap between innovative business developments and future-focused academic research.”

Hugo Repolho, GRU Airport: “What an amazing week we had in Singapore participating at the third PLMC. This is a truly singular event where all the big players of the pharma logistics chain get together and the cherry on top along with the Academia to enlight with the latest research and the upcoming trends.
Thank you, Pharma.Aero , for the organization. Hope to see you all again next year in Dallas.”

Timothy Lahaye, Belgian Medical Students Association: “The last few days have truly been one of the most unique events I’ve ever attended! The Pharma Logistics Masterclass allows industry leaders, policymakers, and academics from all over the world to come together and learn from each other to overcome their current challenges.
In short, this event covered a diverse program with guest lectures about state-of-the-art research, workshops, company visits, and networking opportunities!
As delegates of the Belgian Medical Students’ AssociationJessie and I learned a lot about pharma logistics. But for us, our mission doesn’t top here. As we’ve seen from the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chains are key in delivering medicines and MedTech to patients. Even now medicines shortages are prominent present in Belgium.
We believe pharmaceutical supply chains and logistics should be integrated in earlier stages of healthcare-related courses. By doing so, not only do healthcare providers have a better understanding of what the underlying reasons for these shortages are but it also allows them to communicate this to their patients. After all, healthcare providers are more than delivering care for their patients! The support of key players for this idea from the community is truly overwhelming. I’m very curious to see where this will bring us!
Thank you to Pharma.AeroUniversiteit Antwerpen – Faculteit Bedrijfswetenschappen en EconomieSingapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), and all the participants for having us. We are happy and proud to be part of your community. See you next year in Dallas, USA.”

Trevor Caswell, Pharma.Aero: “That’s a wrap, Friday – Day 5 was the end of our weeklong, third edition of the Pharma.Aero Pharma Logistics Masterclass in #Singapore, PLMC.
It was an incredible week filled with great presentations, interactive workshops, discussions, debates and offsite tours. We were able to engage with leading-edge technology and experience some of it first-hand, in the tech labs and outdoor drone arena at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
However, the best part of the week was the people. 🤝 Thank you to everyone who attended, participated and developed new and long-lasting relationships. It was great to reconnect with old friends and meet so many new friends in the industry. There were over 135 people in attendance, and from over 24 different countries. The third edition of the PLMC achieved more than we could have hoped for and we are looking forward to the fourth edition next year in Dallas-Fort Worth #DFWMilton De La Paz thank you for being a champion of the PLMC and #Pharmaaero.
It will take a bit to unpack all of the information that I learned from the past week, but I know I’m not the only one already looking forward to seeing what next year’s masterclass in Dallas will bring. As my friends from Europe would say, it will be ‘Top!’ full of collaboration and meaningful discussions you can only experience at the PLMC. See you next year!”

Alexandre Marques Alvarez, Tranzone Healthcare Logistics UAE: “🔬🌐 Wrapping up an incredible 5-day journey at the Pharma Logistics Masterclass! 🚚💊
From supply chain optimization to cutting-edge pharmaceutical logistics, this conference has been a deep dive into the dynamic and complex world of Pharma logistics. 🌍
🤝 It’s been a pleasure connecting with industry leaders and friends, sharing insights, and learning from the best in the field. 📚
🌟 Grateful for the opportunity to enhance my knowledge and network with experts who are shaping the future of healthcare logistics in order to provide the best pharma logistics services in Dubai.”

The Pharma Logistics Masterclass 2023 in Singapore has not only provided a platform for knowledge exchange but has also fostered collaboration and innovation in the ever-evolving field of pharmaceutical logistics. With attendees from around the world, this event has further solidified its position as a crucial hub for industry insights and networking.

The future looks promising as PLMC participants eagerly await the next edition, set to take place in Dallas-Fort Worth in 2024.

Pharma.Aero members and partners, and participants of the previous Pharma Logistics Masterclass editions are offered a 25% discount on the regular price. Students are encouraged to register and enjoy a 50% discount. The discounts are not cumulative.

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